Jun 4, 2024

Introducing SupportLogic Data Cloud: AI for Post-Sales CX without CRM Limitations

With the explosion of AI solutions in the market, the use of AI in post-sales CX has grown incredibly over the past 18 months. PwC reports that an impressive 73% of US companies are now using AI for business. But just as CIOs would not consider operating a technology stack without robust monitoring, CX leaders must be cautious about making investments in AI tools without monitoring the quality and precision of their customer experience delivery. This is a topic we explore in depth in our State of the CX.O Report, released earlier this year.

At SupportLogic, we understand the challenges that businesses face in harnessing the power of AI while trying to observe every customer interaction. This is why today we are announcing the availability of SupportLogic Data Cloud.

The Pain Point: Fragmented Customer Data

Many of our customers have expressed their desire to access the raw data that we normalize from their CRM systems, such as Salesforce and Zendesk, into a separately accessible schema. They want to perform business intelligence on this data, extracting signals and predictions to gain deeper insights into their customer interactions. SupportLogic Data Cloud addresses this pain point by providing a seamless solution.

We host Snowflake on behalf of our customers, allowing them to connect their existing business intelligence tools (such as Tableau, Qlik, or Power BI) directly to our Snowflake instance. This enables them to pull all the signals we generate and combine them with their internal data for advanced analytics. Moreover, if customers already have an existing Snowflake infrastructure, they can easily join our tables within their own instance, making for seamless integration and query execution.

Empowering Personalized Experiences

One of the key benefits of SupportLogic Data Cloud is its ability to provide actionable customer signals in near real-time using domain-specific AI trained in the language of complex support. By analyzing customer interactions across various channels, such as support tickets, voice calls, and chat sessions, SupportLogic extracts valuable insights that empower post-sales CX teams to strengthen their customer relationships.

With timely and relevant insights at their fingertips, organizations can identify trends, anticipate issues, and take proactive measures to address customer concerns. This proactive approach not only reduces response times but also enhances customer satisfaction by demonstrating a deep understanding of their needs and preferences.

CRM-Agnostic Flexibility and Data Consolidation

Another significant advantage of SupportLogic Data Cloud is its CRM-agnostic flexibility. Regardless of the CRM platform an organization uses, SupportLogic can extract and analyze customer signals directly from Snowflake. This ensures a unified and consistent support experience across multiple instances of CRM, eliminating data silos and enabling a holistic view of customer interactions.

Whether organizations want to filter their accounts based on account health scores within Salesforce or rank their cases based on attention or sentiment scores, SupportLogic Data Cloud provides the flexibility to meet their specific requirements. This level of customization allows businesses to tailor their support strategies and deliver personalized experiences to their customers.

Furthermore, SupportLogic Data Cloud simplifies CRM data migration and consolidation by normalizing data across multiple CRM instances and storing it back into Snowflake. This accelerates AI value realization by enabling organizations to observe and act on customer signals and AI predictions directly in Snowflake, without the complexities of data migration or managing an ETL process.

Building Smarter AI with Sentiment

One of the core pillars of SupportLogic Data Cloud is its ability to provide customer sentiment signals directly in Snowflake. By leveraging SupportLogic’s insights along with SnowflakeArctic and SnowflakeCortex for Generative AI, organizations can build smarter AI models and elevate their support experience to even greater heights.

Access to sentiment signals empowers businesses to gain a deeper understanding of customer emotions, preferences, and pain points. This enables the development of more targeted and effective support strategies, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Removing Barriers to AI Adoption

SupportLogic’s founding vision has always been to help businesses transform their support experience into a strategic lever for protecting and growing customer relationships. With the launch of SupportLogic Data Cloud, the company is removing a significant barrier to enterprise AI adoption by directly building on the power of Snowflake AI Data Cloud.

By taking on the heavy lifting of data normalization, signal extraction, and prediction generation, SupportLogic minimizes the time and IT resources required for organizations to kickstart their post-sales CX journey. This enables businesses to quickly glean actionable customer insights and proactively address customer issues, ultimately improving overall satisfaction and loyalty.

The Future of Support and Success

As the business landscape continues to evolve, the importance of delivering exceptional customer experiences will only continue to grow. By removing data friction, enabling seamless integration with existing infrastructure, and providing actionable insights in near real-time, SupportLogic Data Cloud is paving the way for a new era of customer support and success. As more businesses embrace this technology, we can expect to see a surge in proactive, personalized, and highly effective support experiences that drive customer satisfaction and loyalty to new heights.

For more on this topic, explore the resources linked below or visit our solution page.

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