SupportLogic 2.0 Release Notes

January 2020

Happy New Year! We’ve been hard at work making improvements to features across our product in several incremental (dot) releases over the months of December and January! Some highlights include improvements and updates in the following areas:

In addition, we strive to squash bugs and enhance security with every version of SupportLogic we deploy, and our incremental releases are no exception to that. We think you’ll be pleased with the additional functionality and performance improvements discussed in more detail below. If you have any feedback on these changes, or any thoughts on future improvements you’d like to see, please reach out to us at!

The SupportLogic Team


Profile Cloning

We now allow Administrators to clone user profiles in their entirety

What this means is if you have two similar user profiles you’d like to create, you can now create the first one and clone it — allowing for more accurate duplication of settings, and with tremendous time savings to boot!  Give it a try, and configure custom views for all your different user types!

Configurable Definitions of Weeks and Quarters 

We recognize that in many cases, fiscal years are often configured differently than calendar years

We now offer the ability to recognize this fact within SupportLogic as well.  Configure your weeks to start on the day that works best for you and your team (most popular is the ever-hated Monday, of course, but perhaps your team’s schedule starts on a Wednesday).  Additionally, configure sets of months into quarters, allowing SupportLogic’s data to match flawlessly with the same timeframes used by your company.

View User Activity 

See what your users are up to within SupportLogic

In addition to providing additional insights into what your users are doing within SupportLogic by their Profiles, Roles and other filtering, we now allow you to view those details by user name (first last) instead of by email address.

Dashboard Request Emails

Sometimes a Swarming user needs more…

If a Swarming user requests Dashboard access, their full name and email address are now included in request emails that are automatically sent to SupportLogic Administrators.  This makes it easier for Admins to determine if a given user should be provided with additional access.

Intelligent Case Assignment

Recommended Agents

The most highly recommended agents for a given case now show at the top of the list

Our goal is for SupportLogic’s AI to match the best agent available for each case as it comes in.  Since this is a recommendation system at present, it’s important for the information to be easily consumable by you.  Thus, we’ve made sure to sort the list of recommended agents to show you who we think is best first, making it easier to determine if the AI has found an appropriate match, and take action.

Agent Selection Feedback Workflow

We want the AI to learn from your selections

Don’t think the AI chose the best agent for a given case?  That’s ok, it happens sometimes as the AI learns about your organization.  We want to hear if you chose a different agent, and why — your feedback will help our AI improve over time!

Agent Selection Sorting and Filtering

Want to compare the AI’s top choices by other factors?

You can now sort and filter the recommended agent list by a variety of factors.  Make sure each case is routed to the appropriate agent – based on the complexity of the case, the skills of the agent, their prior experience with that particular customer, as well as their availability (backlog) and timezone.

Case Owner Displayed in Assigned Cases List

You can now switch between assigned and unassigned case lists and see more information about each case (more on this below)

In addition, when viewing assigned cases, we show you which one of your agents the case is currently assigned to.  Think of Intelligent Case Assignment as your one stop shop for all cases — both assigned and unassigned.  Make sure your best agents are working the cases most important to you, and take action to route cases to different agents if and when necessary.

Unassigned Cases List: More Information and New Sorting/Filtering Functionality

Priority, SLA information and Queue names now show for each unassigned case

In addition to providing you with more insights into the metadata of each unassigned case, we now also provide you with the ability to sort and filter the unassigned cases list.  In this manner, you can ensure that the cases that are most important to you get assigned and handled first.

Configurable Agent Backlog

An important part of case assignment is understanding your agents’ backlogs

The perfect agent for a given case isn’t perfect if they’re too busy to take the case…  You can now view each agent’s backlog, sorted by case status or priority.  Get a better understanding of how busy each agent is before assignment any new cases to them. 

Multiple Queue Selection

View all, or one, or an assortment of all your team’s queues

At SupportLogic, we understand that every Support team is different.  Perhaps your team has only one queue to manage.  Or perhaps your team has different queues for different regions, or different queues for different agent tiers.  There are many ways to sort incoming cases, and all of them are the right way for a given team.  By request, we have now provided you the ability to view one, many or all of your various queues when assigning cases to your agents.  Just another way the tool works for you, and not the other way around!

Set your Out of Office via Slack

Set your vacations dates right in Slack with our new Slack command “/sl ooo”.  Support engineers who are out-of-office will be tagged as OOO in the product, allowing you to know straight away whether or not someone is available to help with a case or if you need to reach out to others to get a timely resolution on your cases.

Escalation Prediction

New Sorting Options

AI insights

Our goal is for SupportLogic’s AI to score and rank each customer based on the Sentiment we see them express in real time, as well as how much attention we think a given case will require.  On that note, we now provide you with the ability to sort cases by both Sentiment score and Attention score.  This gives you the ability to look at the potentially highest profile cases first.

Operational Metrics

Operational Metrics Now GA

You may notice a few new buttons on the Navigation Bar

Our new Operational Metrics feature is now GA!  We’re very excited about this feature, and think you will be too.  These metrics will start to give you a better idea about your company, your product, and your customers in real time.  You can customize many different widgets to give you a bird’s eye view of many different metrics that may be relevant to your team, including first response times, follow-up times, customer wait times, and many more. 

More Configurable

Users can now add/remove metrics widgets without entering dashboard edit mode

Every Support team is different — and thus, information relevant to one team may not be very helpful to another.  Is a given graph or chart not relevant to you?  Remove it with the click of a button!  Need a new graph?  Add one in easily, again with a single click.  There are options to build each chart in the view most relevant to you (vertical/horizontal bars, and donuts).  All of this without entering dashboard edit mode.  


Ability to Filter Inbound and Outbound Sentiment

Track the Sentiment from your customers, as well as your agents separately

By popular request, we have now provided you with the ability to track Sentiment from your customers and your agents separately.  Both are useful information to have at your fingertips, but lumped together they can be muddled and confusing.  Now, you can track all of your customer Sentiment together by filtering only inbound Sentiment.  Additionally, you can get an idea for the tone your agents are taking with your customers by tracking outbound Sentiment as well.

Ability to Acknowledge Sentiments from Support Hub

Sentiment acknowledgement prevents duplication of efforts

We know your time is important, and the last thing we want is you and another employee performing the same task concurrently.  By acknowledging a given Sentiment, you can indicate to your co-workers that this particular issue is already being looked at.  On that note, we now allow you to perform this task from within the Support Hub — meaning you can acknowledge as you go. 

Usability and Performance

Agent Backlog: Ability to See All Upcoming Events

The perfect agent for a case isn’t perfect if they’re on PTO…

Easily review all of your agents’ upcoming events to get an idea of who’s in the office and available when.

Topics Page Updates/Improvements

Ability to see first response times

Many Support teams have SLAs based on first response times.  Now you can ensure your team is meeting this important SLA with data regarding average first response times, as well as how many outliers there are with this handy graph.

Ability to export as CSV

Ok, this feature technically existed already, but it was hidden.  We made the “Export to CSV” button far easier to see and interact with.  If you want to crunch the numbers further in another tool (such as Excel) we wanted to make sure you have this option.

Case Fields: Numerical Value Support

Support for integers

We now allow numerical values to be treated as integers, allowing data to be manipulated/filtered (example: ability to define minimum and maximum values)

Cases List Updates

More relevant information at your fingertips

Throughout the product, you’ll notice the Cases list has been updated to include more relevant information without having to click through.  This includes priority, assigned agent, and if a given case is escalated.

Global Search

We’ve improved our search functionality to make finding what you need easier!

You can now search for specific cases (by case number or subject line) from any page in the product.  Simply click the search icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page you are currently viewing.  Start typing, and results start to show immediately.  You can view up to nine results without having to scroll downwards.  If your search parameters return a large number of results, they’ll be paginated for easier viewing.  In addition, any results that match the search parameters you entered are now highlighted for better visibility.  

Your SupportLogic Team

Known Issues

Data doesn’t load after renaming a Virtual Account

This behavior assumes you have multiple SupportLogic tabs/windows open at once, and then rename a Virtual Account (say from “TacoCorp 1234” to “Taco Corporation”) in one of them.  In another of your SupportLogic tabs/windows, you’re on the Console page, and have opened the Customer filter in the upper right-hand corner to find your Virtual Group.  If you reload the page (for the Virtual Account to show with the new name you chose in your other window) the Console page will show no data (“there are zero cases”).

Workaround: reload the page a second time and the data should reappear. 

Operational Metrics SLA tab: data representation issue

On the Operational Metrics landing page there are three cards giving a high level overview of your organization’s SLA, Efficiency and Customer Experience performance vs targets.  Specific to the SLA card, there are currently two issues:

  • When users click on the overall missed SLA pie slice, the tickets popup will show the correct number and list of cases.  However, if you download a CSV of this data, the list and total number of cases will be incorrect
  • Under some conditions it is possible to see missed SLA cases in the “Overall Met SLA” list

Workaround: Assuming the user needs to get a complete list of met/missed across all SLA categories, the workaround for both of these issues is to dive into each category, export and combine for the total list.

Product Training

If you would like to watch a recording of the training session please click the button below.

SupportLogic 2.0 Release Training