SupportLogic 1.6 Release Notes

Spring 2019

This might be the season of Game of Thrones, NBA, and NHL, but that didn’t stop us from packing a chock-full of features into this release.

We’ve focused on the following 3 core areas as we built out the spring features:

  • Customer context
  • Configurability
  • Usability improvements

As usual, if you have any questions or feedback (or want to see a demo!), reach out to us at!

Before we sign off, what do you say to the “God of Support?” Fix my issue today 🙂

The SupportLogic Engineering Team

Context is everything!

It’s important to have the full context when you interact with your customers. Context can come from your previous interactions with a customer, an insight that the sales/account team might have, or the product insight that product management might have.

Add/edit customer notes

We’ve now added a new permission setting that allows you to add customer notes (via the customer page or Support Hub).  Notes can include anything specific that you may want the support engineer to be aware of. For example, you can add a note saying “this Customer has started a POC with us.” New notes will be sent to support engineers as real-time alerts via Slack or email.

Never miss a new customer note

If a customer has a recently-added note (within 1 month) that you haven’t seen, you’ll see a badge so that you don’t miss reading that note.

Know your customers

We now display tags next to the customer name to provide additional context. if the customer meets any one of the following criteria you’ll see a tag (or tags) next to their name.

If a customer has recently joined in the last 6 months. This is useful to know because you may want to give special care to customers who are interacting with you for the very first time.

If a customer is a partner. This is useful to know because partners may have different expectations and operating processes from your regular customers.

We display this tag if we detect churn risk signals within the last 6 months. If you see this tag, you may want to be extra careful when you interact with this customer.

Know when to reach out to your customers

It’s key to know when is the right time to reach out to your customers. Now you can find your customer’s active hours in Support Hub as well as on the customer’s page.

Active hours are defined as the window of time when a reporter is communicating with a support engineer. We display the active hours in your local timezone, making it simple to know when to contact your customer.

Customer info, one click away

Click on the customer name’s to open their profile in a new tab and see their full history and profile.

Don’t miss an escalation event

The case view timeline now includes all the details surrounding escalation events.  See what the type, reason, and description are in regards to the escalation and who escalated the case.

Case escalations to the front

All individual case views are now tagged with the escalation-related status (if applicable) to let you know of their escalation status. The statuses ‘Likely to be Escalated’, ‘Escalated’, and ‘Escalated Today’ also reflect which escalation queue a case is residing in when you look at the cases on the Escalations page.

See all the cases that are waiting for your response

Cases page now includes a couple of new lists that rank your open cases by inbound and outbound messages. Quickly see which cases are getting stale and need some prompt action. 

One size doesn’t fit all. Configure it your way.

We know every support organization is different; that is why configuration and personalization are super important to us and we know it’s important to you as well. We’ve made every part of our product configurable and we’re extending that to more areas and functionalities.

Create groups for customers and support engineers

Create global support engineer and customer groups to use as shortcuts in all filters. If you’re an admin, you can create these groups via Advanced Settings and these groups will appear for all users on the platform.

The global groups you create will appear in your own dashboard profile and in all the other user profiles too, allowing your team members to see and select these groups in the filter panels (which can be found on the Topics, Trends, Sentiment, Escalations, and Cases pages).

Configure custom fields without IT involvement

We now allow you to import any of your existing case fields and use it as a filter throughout our product.

Rename & reorder field values for better reporting

We now allow you to rename values of your existing case fields, without making any modifications to your ticketing platform. For example, if you want to change `apac` to `APAC` for the region case field, you can do that. You can also change the order of appearance of these values.

Now you can clean up custom fields and get better reporting. This can be done via Advanced Settings and you can choose a time period to fetch all the values that exist for the custom fields.

Dragon drop (drag-and-drop) has arrived

We know it’s the final season of Game of Thrones, so we’ve enabled drag-and-drop. Use the drag-and-drop functionality to configure the order of pages and tabs to your liking. Just press and hold for a second to drag-and-drop.

The devil lies in the details.

With hundreds or thousands of cases to look at it’s important to easily filter out specific case parameters. We’ve introduced a few small tweaks to help you see the right cases, faster.

Know how your cases are filtered

We’ve improved the usability of the filter panel to make it easier for you to understand how many items are selected or not selected for any group. The filter panel now has a few different states to emphasize what each section’s filter state is. 

None of the items in a section are selected. Clicking this will select all the items.

Some of the items from a section are selected. Clicking this will select all the items.

All of the items are selected. Clicking this will de-select all the items.

Each section also includes the count of items that are selected.

Know which cases are unassigned

We’ve separated unassigned and assigned cases into 2 separate lists. You can easily switch between the 2 tabs to see which cases are assigned or unassigned.

A better way to spot topic outliers

We’ve made it easier to see outliers among different case fields without having to create a brand-new pairing every time.

It’s split into two sections where you can choose from a list of case fields (such as priority, case status, and more) for each section. The top section shows you the % volume of each group and any dips or spikes in the volume.

The bottom section gives you another layer of comparison. For instance, you can compare Case Priority (the top section’s case field) against Case Status. 

Jump into the nitty-gritty details of each month’s update

For those of you who like to dig a little deeper into the features and updates,  there is now a link in the banner that takes you straight to the latest release notes. Read up on the new features, updates, improvements to the UI, and performance enhancements.

Case priority for all queues

We’ve introduced the case priority label to all the queues, giving you more data at hand for better decision-making.

See more in the escalation list view

The list view now shows more details for all the tabs and includes:

  • Case Priority
  • Viewed by
  • Last Response
  • Case Age
  • Engineering Bugs

Case view, re-stylized

The header section of the case view is re-stylized to show you more pertinent information regarding your customers. Case notes and customer tags are now situated next to the customer name, giving you a better understanding of the customer’s story. The reporter and case owner are anchored together by the back-and-forth arrows to indicate who’s involved in the case conversation.

No more lag when sharing cases

We’ve made significant performance improvements to case sharing when you have thousands of users in your Slack directory.

Super fit and fast Escalations page

We cut down on the rendering time for this page using some Javascript magic.

Glide through your cases

We try to squeeze in a little pizzazz  for your everyday work actions. Now as you’re looking through cases you can use keyboard arrows (left or right) to navigate through the cases. We also added a smooth animation as you navigate through the cases.

Your SupportLogic Team